
Your Road to Burnout Recovery

Wherever you are in your burnout recovery, Rooted Respite can help. We have a range of offerings designed to meet you in the midst of burnout and take you down the road to healing. 

You know that burnout is different from everyday stress. Nothing you’ve tried helps in the long term, but you know something needs to change. Rooted Respite’s approach will give you the tools you need to catalyze that change.

Our Approach

Trauma Informed

A study from HR Acuity shows that over half of the US workforce experiences some form of workplace abuse or harassment. In these kinds of toxic workplace environments, burnout is more common. We use a trauma-informed approach in our programs because, more often than not, people come to us after having endured the trauma of chronic stress and workplace abuse. 

We view burnout as an outcome created by a particular environment. Rather than placing the burden on the individual, we understand that people develop specific behaviors to adapt to toxic environments. Some of these habits may no longer be helpful, and we help you identify them so you can make more supportive choices in the future.  

Liberation Focused

Liberation is a collective action that needs a collective vision. Our programs establish this vision in the first few weeks of meeting and keep it at the center of our work together. All exercises, tools, and teachings are in support of this vision with actionable steps you can implement now.  


The system is failing. The wealth gap is widening and people with marginalized identities are suffering the brunt of it. 

Our work is honest about how capitalism, colonialism, and white supremacy have damaged the land as well as  our relationships to each other and the natural world. We envision a world free of exploitation and believe it is possible to achieve. 

For more information on how our anti-capitalist ideals factor into our pricing structure, you can view our pricing page.  


The term “death economy” has been used to describe the current economic system and is based on exploiting human labor and the Earth’s resources until they are entirely spent. We’re living in the effects of this death of economy as burnout rates rise globally.

Rooted Respite supports your spiritual and emotional well-being as you fight systemic oppression so you can begin living in the more just, equitable, and liberated world you know is possible.

By helping you contextualize, recover from, and prevent burnout, we help you keep what matters at the forefront: living.


Our Programs

Virtual Community

Rooted Respite Community

Our virtual community on Mighty Networks is where you can get real-time support from peers and share resources in a space that's more private than LinkedIn.
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Group Programs

Get Your Life

Our signature 12-week group program gives concentrated support and recovery from burnout amidst peers on a similar healing journey.
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1:1 Support

1:1 Support

We offer 1:1 support for those desiring the highest level of virtual hands-on support. Click the button below to learn more about our 1:1 services.
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A photo of Taj speaking at Harvard 1st gen graduation. He is speaking emphatically and smiling.

Bring Taj to Your Event

Taj is a seasoned keynote speaker and preacher. He is available to speak at your conference, church, or event on a range topics. 

A list of selected workshops and titles below: 

  • Putting the “U” in Worldbuilding: Sci-fi and Social Justice
  • Spirit and Collective Healing: The Need for Spirituality in Collective & Systemic Trauma Healing
  • Your Boundaries Are Not Negotiable
  • Visions for Queer Theology in Sci-Fi

If you would like to book Taj for an event, click the button below to get in touch with us. 

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